Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Jambi Police Denies Involved in Winnings Candidate on Ballot Repeat in Tebo Regency

Jakarta, MKOnline - Jambi regional police chief had never directed, ordered, either orally or in writing to the Tebo Police personnel to provide support to one candidate in a re-vote (PSU) Election Tebo Regency, Jambi Province. Thus affirmed Fauzi Shawwal, when giving testimony before the Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (07/04/2011) Election disputes in court cases Tebo. This information is to ward off accusations alignments Jambi Provincial Police told the couple Sukandar-Hamdi (Suka-Hamdi). "Police have no interest to anyone the winner," said Head Binkum Jambi Police, Fauzi Syawal. 

Fauzi also denied witness statements mate-Muttalib Yopi Sri Sapto Eddy (Yopi-Sapto) named M. Zainuri at a hearing before the action of distributing leaflets in the form of support to partner-Like Hamdi using the official car of the type Strada patoli Police. "Never in particular the police car used by the Tebo Police winning team of candidates," said Fauzi. 

Meanwhile, the Police Tebo, M. Arifin, said it has lowered its personnel to secure the implementation of 252 PSU Tebo. "H-1, all Police personnel have been placed at polling places. Implementation of TPS security held on the day, until the calculation at the KDP. Then the guard escorting ballot boxes from the KDP to the Election Commission, "he explained. 

The trial for the case number on any dispute 33/PHPU.D-IX/2011 Tebo Election was conducted by a Panel consisting of M. Akil Mochtar as Chairman of the Panel, accompanied by Members of the Panel, and Muhammad Alim Hamdan Zoelva, which scheduled the hearing of evidence. 

In line with Fauzi Arifin also denied any involvement in the award of the official car of police candidates. "That district police car, but its shape Strada. There is a (car) service which Strada, "asked the Chairman of the Panel M. Akil Mochtar. "No, your honor," said Arifin brief. (Nur Rosihin Ana / mh)

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