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Act No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua re-examined by the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (18 / 7). The case registered in No. 41/PUU-IX/2011. Petitioner was Habel Rumbiak. He said Article 17 paragraph (1) contained multiple interpretations on its phrase and it gave rise to obscurity.
Hael Rumbiak through its legal counsel Libert Cristo considered phrase "can be re-elected" caused confusion. The reason, the phrase can mean someone who has run for local office in one election, the next period could run again. The Article reads: "(1) the term of office of Governor and Deputy Governor are 5 (five) years and may be reelected for a subsequent term of office".
In fact, according to the Petitioner, as presented Cristo, someone who has run twice can not run again in the next local elections. "There is no firmness in that phrase so that it can bring understanding of people can run for more than two times. For that, we ask assertiveness course in this article, "Cristo said.
After Parties principal applicant submit his petition, the Panel then provide advice that can be used or not by the applicant on the repair petition. Members of the Panel of Justices, M. Akil Mochtar of the occasion suggested that the applicant explained the legal standing of Petitioner. "Please explain the legal standing of Petitioner. Do ordinary citizens, if ever so head area, whether once ran for local office? Please explain it, "Akil suggested.
Akil also suggested that the applicant lists of losses suffered by the Petitioner due to the interpretation of phrase in Article 17 paragraph (1) the Papua Special Autonomy Law. With a loss to explain the perceived constitutional petition, Akil said the judges found the whole picture of the cases filed.
Regarding the legal standing and constitutional losses suffered by the Petitioner, Chief Judge Hamdan Zoelva Panel also confirmed it. "The issue of legal standing it needs to be degraded. Because if not, the principal application you can not be checked. Legal standing is also closely related to constitutional rights or loss of you. So please explain, "Hamdan reminded that advice Applicants submit repair requests at least 14 working days from the time the trial ends. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/Yazid.tr)
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