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The review on Act No. 24/2003 on the Constitutional Court held again at Tuesday (07/26/2011). Assembly with the agenda of this petition were Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi as Chairman of the Panel, and were accompanied by Achmad Sodiki and Anwar Usman. The trial for this case Number 36/PUU-IX/2011 filed by Salim Alkatiri. The material was Article 10 paragraph 1 letter a, of Act No. 24/2003 governing authority of the Constitutional Court to adjudicate at the first and last decision is final.
In front of the panel of the Constitutional Court, Salim improve the legal standing of the Petitioner. ”The most important thing is to point 3, of the legal position of legal standing,” said Salim.
Salim feels aggrieved by the decision of the Court Number 224/PHPU.D VIII/2010 on Election Results Dispute Kab. South Buru pronounced December 31, 2010. In the ruling No. 224/PHPU.D VIII/2010, the Court declared the application partner Salim Alkatiri-La Ode Badwi unacceptable.
Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding. This has become an obstacle for Salim to make an appeal, so that Salim could not qualify as candidates for the General Election South Buru because it had been a prisoner with a sentence of 2 years in prison. Salim argued that the Court alter its own decision, namely Decision Number 4/PUU-VII/2009, resulting in him can not follow the General Election South Buru.
Constitutional Court Decision No. 4/PUU-VII/2009, dated March 24, 2009 has defined the terms of the provisions of Article 58 f of Law 12/2008 regarding the requirements as a Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Region. Article 58 of Law 12/2008 points f 3 states, “honesty or openness about the background of her identity as an ex-convict”.
Salim admitted that he had revealed his identity as an ex-convict. ”We have expressed openly to the public in the newspaper Suara Maluku in Ambon, Maluku province,” said Salim.
According to him, the Court had violated the verdict Number 4/PUU-VII/2009.”Violate the Constitutional Court ruling that he created himself,” he continued. In fact, Salim added, the decision of Class I Ambon District Court to allow the couple Salim Alkatiri-La Ode Badwi South Buru following the General Election of 2010.(Nur Rosihin Ana/mh/Yazid.tr)
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