Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Chief of Resort Police of Pati Presented Election Process’ Security

Dispute over Regional Head Election of District Pati entered the stage to hear witness testimony in the hearing of the Constitutional Court (MK), Thursday (08/11/2011) afternoon. On the front panel of the Constitutional Court chaired by Achmad Sodiki and accompanied by Panel Members Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Harjono, Chief of Police describe the process of securing Election Pati based on operations Mina Tani Tata Praja.
Police fielded 489 personnel to secure for each phase of the General Election. "Until now, the implementation process of the elections conducted by the police in a safe state," said Chief of Police. Nevertheless, he continued, the institute received four reports of counterfeit stamp Election complaint, unpleasant acts, abuse of academic titles and the last of destruction in the district Wedarijaksa.
Police also denied the existence of the KPU office siege Starch as a description of Thunder, the witness spouse Imam Suroso-Sujoko (Applicant case Number 82/PHPU.D-IX/2011). "No one besieged Commission office. This means that we sterilize the KPU office in order to avoid intervention so that the Commission has the independence, "he explained.
Further Members of the Panel Harjono confronts police chief information with the description of Thunder. According to Guntur, on May 19, the Election Commission Office located in the complex Stadium Joyokusumo, thousands of supporters surrounded the couple Sunarwi-Tejo Pramono. "On 19, at 18:30 we were willing to hand over the files necessary administrative candidates," said Thunder. Guntur also explains the existence of noise and deprivation brought about by Sujoko file in the Office of the Commission Pati.
Harjono again asked Police Chief Starch-related action the Commission Office Starch siege by thousands of supporters Sunarwi-Tejo. "If thousands, Your Honor, baseball possible," said Police Chief Starch that time of the incident claimed to be the KPU Starch. "If it is not possible, you see a lot of baseball there mass?" said Harjono. "There’s masses, but more police, your honor," said Police Chief of Pati.
The judge panel also provides the opportunity for prospective vice-regent Sujoko communicated. According to Sujoko, on May 11, after a complete nomination file, search for Chairman of DPC PDIP Sujoko, Sunarwi, and Secretary of the DPC PDIP. However, Sunarwi continue to dodge the grounds were away pilgrimage. "I continue to be avoided, Mr. Narwi went outside," said Sujoko. Then, he continued, the morning of May 17, Sujoko neighbor went to the house, Endro Jatmiko who are members of the Commission to ask for an explanation exposures Starch authority to enter a file that can only be done by the Chairman and the Secretary of DPC PDIP Starch. "I came not ask for an explanation why this should be the chairman and the secretary to enter a file? Wong I was vice-chairman, "he explained. The news he can from his wife stating Endro Endro had gone to the KPU. "Why is a red date to the Commission why?" Sujoko joked.

Authority Chairman and the Secretary of DPC
Meanwhile, KPU chairman Pati Nursastro Salomo in his reply stated, on May 17, the Commission received a replacement pair of Sunarwi carried by PDIP, which initially brought the couple Imam Suroso-Sujoko, change into the pair of Sunarwi-Tejo.

"Is it enough that the recommendations of the DPC alone, or should the DPP, according to who you know," asked the Panel Members Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi. "No recommendation, Your Honor. The one candidate replacement letter of submission, "said Nursastro. In addition, the added Nursastro, the recommendation is not required under the rule of law.
Strengthening the Commission answers Pati, Central Java Provincial Election Commission declared, authorized repair, equip, or propose a new candidate pair are leaders of political parties. The definition of political party leaders according to regulations of Article 59 paragraph (1) letter a mention, leaders of political parties is the chairman and secretary of the political party nomination at the local level. "So who has the right to nominate, including repairing and propose a new candidate pair is the chairman and secretary of the DPC of each political party," explained the Commission of Central Java.
Then associated with the recommendation, he added, there is not one article was in the laws and regulations the Commission stated that the recommendation is a requirement that must be submitted to the KPU. "So there is a recommendation or no recommendation that a political party’s internal problem," said the Election Commission of Central Java. (Nur Rosihin Ana / mh/Yazid.tr)

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